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If you are showing up to networking events and struggling to find quality prospects or having to hire people to fill your calendar, if you are having an overabundance of conversations with cold leads that go absolutely nowhere, if you are burning out your friends, associates, and yourself, and if your business is not being flooded with referrals by multiple enthusiastic raving fans then you NEED to know these 7 key concepts NOW! 

In 1993, Ken Blanchard, creator of "The One Minute Manager" co-authored "Raving Fans, A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service," and in the late 1990's the idea of a business having Evangelists was popularized. An evangelist who believes so much in the product or service that they can't wait to tell others and spread the word. This is an honorable person who does the right thing the right way, sharing other people's content, making positive and intelligent comments, and offering resources and solutions ~~ such as YOU & YOUR services~~ rather than spending all their time, efforts, and energy promoting themselves and their own organization.

This generous attitude is the key to building the extensive, long-lasting, and trusting relationships that will make people believe in you and what you have to say about your organization. 

Now, YOU can learn the 7 keys; the strategic concepts and tools that will slingshot you beyond having one or two evangelical raving fans to your business having it's very own personal CHEERING SECTION.

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